Found: The Driving Force Behind the Economy

Capital Thinking • Issue #162 • View online
The driving force behind the economy? Well, kinda.
We won’t bring up We-Work, AirBnb, or even WebVan if you don’t.
From our friend out there in OZ: Chris MacIntosh and his usual “take” on the news, economy, and Britney Spears.
What can I say?
He is one of a kind.
Fake news!
And this is how a meme is created. Complete shulbit will do it for you.
Even the Weather Channel is faking it to get eyeballs.

And as if getting caught shulbitting folks would have caused one to stop and say, “Whoah there big boy, maybe we should just report, you know, what’s actually happening.”
Doubling down:
*Featured post photo by Hannah Gibbs on Unsplash