What's Playing up North?
If the government, or political pressure groups, can stop you from being hired, you cannot speak, you cannot assemble, you cannot act politically. Communist countries didn’t need to put people in jail.They could just stop them from working.

By Capital Thinking • Issue #1041 • View online
What rights do we need to guarantee our political freedom?
Well, the right to speak freely, of course. The right peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Even in trucks.
Free to transact
But without economic freedom you cannot have political freedom. The right to work, which requires the right to hire.
If the government, or political pressure groups, can stop you from being hired, you cannot speak, you cannot assemble, you cannot act politically. Communist countries didn’t need to put people in jail.
They could just stop them from working.
And the right to transact, freely and anonymously. If the government can monitor your transactions, freeze your assets, “sanction” you, or freeze your ability to transact, to buy or sell anything, it can quickly silence you, stop your political participation, undermine political movements or even aspiring individual politicians.
This is playing out in Canada right now.

If we have arbitrary, cheap, completely anonymous transactions, tax evasion, theft (ransomware), fraud, can go haywire.
If we have complete surveillance and control, political liberty goes out the window.
And in case you missed it ...
Today Prime Minister Trudeau basically instituted martial law in Canada.
He is so fed up with the truckers. He stamps his feet and no one moves.
What’s the difference between the truckers in Canada and the Boston Tea Party?
Do You Believe Crypto Has A Use Now?
You Would If You Had Been Following the Trucker Tyranny in Canada:
The truckers are a helluva lot more peaceful but the basic principles behind each action are the same.
Just a tip. Trudeau grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s a bully. No different than Putin.
If you grew up among the elite, went to the right prep school and college, got the right grad degree, and know where to wear your croquet whites, you don’t know how to deal with bullies.
The elites put down their champagne cocktails and try to negotiate. They talk long and hard and think they are getting somewhere.
If you grew up in my neighborhood, you waited for your chance then you punched a bully in the mouth. Bullies didn’t last long in my neighborhood.
Pro tip: Never bully an Irish or Italian Catholic. They have big families.
The Canadian government is putting all the pressure they can on the truckers, and the people who support the truckers.
They are getting bank and other information. They are canceling their insurance. They are seizing assets. They are freezing bank accounts and donations.
Guess what?
If the transactions were in Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency, there would be no way for Canada to do anything.
They’d have to cut internet and cell service to the entire country and you know they wouldn’t do that.
This is a golden moment for any Bitcoin company to set up a donation procedure and transfer money from donors to the truckers.
Sometimes, you have to just wait for your time and the timing seems pretty good right here.
Talk about Customer Acquisition 101.