What Have We Learned?
Why are Governors allowing a downtown to be burnt before they rise to save the ashes? Why wait? Why patrol the ashes?

Capital Thinking · Issue #980 · View online
Comes now the inane case of Kyle Rittenhouse charged and acquitted killer of two and wounder of one in an unfortunate and completely avoidable saga of Shakespearian proportions played out like a Greek tragedy with an attendant chorus of morons.
Just for clarity — a jury does not render a verdict of “innocent.” The outcome of a criminal jury trial is either “guilty” or “not guilty.” There is no “innocent.”
Thought that needed to be said.
A Well Traveled Lie Promulgated By A Majority Does NOT = THE TRUTH
This turn of events:
1. Should never have happened,
2. Should never have been charged,
3. Was completely avoidable, and,
4. Was the subject of a feeding frenzy of lies, distortions, hyperbole, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, pretense, deception, and rank stupidity.
Perhaps the only good things that came out of it were:
1. A better understanding of where Kenosha, Wisconsin is located in regard to the state line of Illinois,
2. The recognition that you do not have to be too smart to become a prosecutor in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
3. The affirmation that 17-year-old young men are as dumb today as they ever have been and should never be armed without the supervision of an adult, preferably a Marine gunnery sergeant with 30 years service,
4. That riots always end in a bad manner and thus should be avoided,
5. That riots enrage emotions made even worse by arson and the wholesale destruction of private property, and,
6. That if you let a riot get out of control it will get out of control resulting in death, destruction, and mayhem.How could this have been avoided, Big Red Car?
Let’s go back to the original BLM riot that started this chain of events, shall we?
The City of Kenosha, the State of Wisconsin should never have allowed that violent, destructive orgy to have taken root. They had fair warning. They were on the other side of the George Floyd riots. They knew BLM was in town. They forgot their job.
There should have been a curfew — 5:00 PM sounds good — and the National Guard should have controlled the downtown of Kenosha most lickety split. Immediately.
Transgressors should have been arrested, hosed down, zip tied, and incarcerated in tents in an open field. While this seems objectionable, it is better than arson and death.
Why are Governors allowing a downtown to be burnt before they rise to save the ashes? Why wait? Why patrol the ashes?
We need to start putting people in jail for “inciting riots.” If you make a threat to riot, to burn cop cars, to kill cops, to burn private property — straight to jail for a 1-2 week cooling off period.
Let’s start taking riot inciters at their word. Lock them up.
What have we learned, Big Red Car?
Ahhh, the lessons are innumerable:
1. The POTUS has no reason to chime in on a crime before it is charged and tried and that calling people “white supremacists” who are clearly not is bad business and makes you look like a moron.
2. The media cannot be trusted to get anything right and will report their bias before verifying a single fact. They are united in a single characteristic — they are always wrong.
3. The justice system seems to have worked. A dozen stalwart jurors in Kenosha, Wisconsin listened to and watched the embarrassingly inept presentation of the case by the local prosecutor and weighed the defense presentation, thereafter rendering a unanimous verdict in accordance with the way the justice system is supposed to work.Bravo, well played, and now you will be vilified and hunted down like feral hogs, but know this — you did your duty. You are the only good guys in this shit show.
4. The televised trial allowed America to see how dumb this prosecution was — more than one witness for the prosecution could have been a full blooded prize pig defense witness. WTF was this prosecutor doing?
Bottom line it, Big Red Car — tee time today
Fine, dear reader, here it is: