The Best Business Model in the World
I do so love that shy little Amy has the balls to say what she really means.You can catch the rest of what Amy has to say here

Capital Thinking • Issue #158 • View online
You have to admire somebody who tells it like it is - and Amy sure does that.
You can think of this as pretty much not suitable for work. :-)
Best Lines (of which, there are many):
The best business model in the world is the exchange of goods and services for money
- Amy Hoy
So tell me what you mean, Amy.
If you have to dream up monetization strategies, you’re doing it wrong.
WalMart’s board of directors does not sit around their big, shiny mahogany boardroom table and propose monetization strategies.
We all hate on WalMart, but you’ve got to admire their ability to turn a profit. Which they do by charging money for things.
-Amy Hoyt
I do so love that shy little Amy has the balls to say what she really means.You can catch the rest of what Amy has to say here:

*Feature post photo by Fabio Bracht on Unsplash