Self Doubt is Good

Capital Thinking • Issue #154 • View online

“Last night for some reason I found myself thinking about my darkest hours as a writer. The period lasted about ten years, more if I include a contiguous stretch where I was too paralyzed to write at all.

Was it Resistance? Was that the foe?

No. The enemy was self-doubt. Or put another way, lack of self-belief.”

-Steven Pressfield

From Steven Pressfield:

I may be wrong but I have a feeling that’s the Big Enemy for all of us.

In a way, Resistance is self-doubt. That’s the form it takes. That’s the weapon it uses against us.

But self-doubt somehow transcends Resistance. It stands alone. It was there before we ever thought of being writers or artists or entrepreneurs.

Self-doubt cripples us. It maims us. It renders us impotent. It cuts us off from our powers.

And yet, crazy as this sounds, self-doubt is good.

In The War of Art, I found myself writing this:

The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.

In other words, self-doubt is an indicator. It’s the proof of a hidden positive. It’s the flip side of our dream.

Read more from the author of The War on Art at the link below ==>

Writing Wednesdays: Self-doubt is Good
Last night for some reason I found myself thinking about my darkest hours as a writer. The period lasted about ten years, more if I include a contiguous stretch where I was too paralyzed to write at all. Was it Resistance? Was that the foe? No. The enemy was self-doubt. Or put another way,