One Letter Today

One Letter Today

Ten minutes. One pen. One page.

Write from the heart. Make someone’s day

-Alexandra Franzen

                       Capital Thinking Issue #740  December 11, 2020

One letter can change your life — or someone else’s.

Can writing a letter change your life?

I think so.

Early in my career, I landed a copywriting project with an award-winning marketing agency — even though I was very young and inexperienced at the time — because I wrote a follow-up note that caught the director’s attention.

– Last year, I got hired by a major technology corporation — the highest-paying writing project of my entire year — because I left a handwritten “thank you” note in a beach cottage that I had rented for a short vacation… which was later discovered by the company’s HR director. (She owned the house. I had no idea.)

– After meeting my sweetheart, we corresponded through letters, postcards and emails for the first three weeks of our new relationship. I was traveling out of town, teaching workshops in other cities. It was a powerful way to connect — slowly, thoughtfully, honestly. Letters brought us closer together.

These are just three examples from my own life.

How about you?

Can you think of a time in your life where writing — or receiving — a letter unlocked a new opportunity, enhanced a friendship, helped you make a difficult choice, or helped you fall more deeply in love?

How long has it been since you sat down and wrote a heartfelt letter to someone you admire, someone you care about, someone you know, or want to know better?

Maybe… it’s time to write a few more letters.

Feeling a little rusty? Not sure if you’ll be able to get the words flowing?

Good news: I’ve created a free digital booklet all about the art of letter writing.

This booklet is called One Letter Today.

You can download it here. It’s totally free.