Always bet on people. Always.
The question is always “Do you bet on the jockey or the horse?” That means the people or the idea. The answer is, you always bet on people. Always.

By Capital Thinking • Issue #1068 • View online
Is your NCAA bracket broken? Of course, it is.
If it isn’t, St. Peter’s took care of it.
Do you know what is interesting about the Final Four? The coaches.
Playing For Winners
Jeffrey Carter | Points and Figures:
Sometimes, You Just Need To Be Around The Right People
Three have won national championships.
Hubert Davis is a first-year coach but he’s at a program that has historically competed for the national championship every year.
He has been around and worked for great coaches his entire life. So, you have to assume since he was hired at North Carolina he is a pretty good coach with the potential to become a great one.
Coaches need great players to make great teams. But, great coaches can take good players and make them great players.
It’s the same in building a company.
At seed, the question is always “Do you bet on the jockey or the horse?” That means the people or the idea.
The answer is at seed, you always bet on people. Always.
Maybe the same should be true for the NCAA bracket challenges. Bet on people.
Sure there will be surprises every year. But, every year the same top programs with the same great coach seem to be in the mix.
In an interview talking about the famous shot against Kentucky, Coach Mike Krzyzewski said to former player Grant Hill, “ I could say that, and do that because the people that played for me were people of character.”
Coach K made sure he not only recruited players who were talented athletically but people of character. Sure, he made mistakes. Grayson Allen is one example.
As the CEO of your company, I think the same is true. Hire people with good character.
Conversely, if you are looking for a job, sometimes it is the best alternative to take a job to work with the best people.