Up, down, right and left

Capital Thinking • Issue #1086 • View online

Perusing the great Instapundit blog and this story on book banning caught my eye.

Book banning is something that has been with human civilization almost since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany.

Conveniently, Martin Luther used the printing press and started a reformation.

I am sure the sitting Pope would have liked to have banned Luther’s efforts.

-Jeffrey Carter

Here Is The Difference

Jeff Carter:

The Left Is TOP DOWN, The Right Is Bottom Up

Books that librarians in the Industrial Government-Run School complex want to ban:

Books the Industrial Government-Run School Complex want to add:

Right now, there is a ton of outrage from the vocal leftist minority about what Florida has done with math books. Florida decided to ban books that used math to try and indoctrinate children to themes of critical race theory, sex, and other topics best discussed in the home.

Paraphrasing Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s remarks, “Shouldn’t math just be about numbers and getting to the right number?

Not for committed leftists who never miss an opportunity to try and advance their anti-freedom agenda.

Herein lies the core difference between the left and the right when it comes to solutions to problems. If you have noticed, there are big differences even when they can agree on the problem they are trying to solve.

The left wants to solve everything top-down.

They want an elite credentialed panel of experts to recommend something. That goes into the correct unelected bureaucratic agency that they control to be sewn into a policy which is then sent down to the proletariats, I mean citizens.

That policy is enforced, often brutally, by various arms of the government. In some cases, it’s just an inspector fining a business or person. In other cases, you are arrested and taken to jail.

The extreme effects of this sort of thinking can be seen in communist countries like Venezuela North Korea and China.Softer top-down administration can be seen in American cities like Chicago.

The right wants to solve problems bottom-up.

People get information and decide for themselves. There is personal responsibility associated with those decisions.

Instead of “one size fits all” it is different.You are free to choose, and you have to tolerate people that might not agree with you.

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Here Is The Difference
The Left Is TOP DOWN, The Right Is Bottom Up