But We Got Experts!

Capital Thinking · Issue #970 · View online

When a politician needs to counter some terrible narrative as it relates to behavior or policy what does he/she do?

They find some EXPERTS to pimp out to support their outrageous behavior or policy.

-The Big Red Car

Pimping With Experts

by Big Red Car:

The Fifty Intel EXPERTS

You will recall during the last days of the 2020 election, candidate Joe Biden was confronted by the allegation that a laptop owned by his son — in the possession of the FBI for a year and supposedly being “investigated” — was filled with damaging information.

Joe had famously asserted that he had had nothing to do with his nefarious son’s business dealings with amongst others, the sovereign nation of China.

The information on the laptop showed this was a lie of gargantuan proportions and that not only was he actively involved, but he was the beneficiary of “10% for the Big Guy.” The information on the laptop began to leak out and showed a drug crazed Hunter Biden engaged in various sorts of churlish and illegal behavior.

What did candidate Joe Biden do? He pimped some EXPERTS.

You can read the contemporaneous article here:

5o Intel Pimp EXPERTS Opine

Now, in a move that has been proven a lie and incredibly cynical candidate Joe Biden rounded up “50 former intelligence officials” who warned the naive, gullible, and callow American public that the laptop, the information on the laptop, and Joe’s balding forehead were “signs of a Russian disinformation operation.”

The EXPERTS touched several important marks:

1. They were EXPERTS.

2. They hadn’t inspected any of the evidence, but they were EXPERTS and they opined without any evidence that it was clearly a “Russian disinformation operation.”

3. This declaration was what candidate Joe Biden wanted and being swamp pimp rats, the EXPERTS produced like trick circus animals.

The big problem turned out to be this: It was all a lie and there was no Russian involvement.

The FBI knew the truth of the matter because they’d been cooling the laptop out in their evidence room for a year. The FBI did not, of course, make any comment even though they knew the 50 intel EXPERTS were themselves engaged in a classic disinformation campaign.

Point of order — none of the EXPERTS, being swamp pimp rats, ever expressed regret or remorse for having lied to the American public. The MSM never outed these boobs and Joe Biden never acknowledged that he had perpetrated a fraud on the country.

Do NOT hold your breath waiting for any of that to happen, y’all.

The Seventeen Economics Nobel Prize Experts

Comes now the gargantuan spending plans by now President Joe Biden. It is a dicey program of trillions and trillions of $$$$$ of infrastructure and human infrastructure spending to accomplish laudable objectives like TREE EQUITY.

Regular Order And Tree Equity

The total spending looks like this:

1. $1,900,000,000,000 – The American Recovery Plan Act

2. $1,200,000,000,000 – The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

3. $1,750,000,000,000 – The Build Back Bolshevik Act

Of course, these bills will actually cost far, far, far more — $10,000,000,000,000 is a likely total of actual spending — than they are nominally shown.

Here’s how:

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Pimping With Experts
When a politician needs to counter some terrible narrative as it relates to behavior or policy what does he/she do? They find some EXPERTS to pimp out to suppor